All of the sudden, (or so it seemed) my boxed hair color was $15. I started feeling like I was getting ripped off every time I had to buy hair color.
One day I was talking to a friend of mine, who used to be a hairdresser, and I mentioned how expensive my hair color had become. She told me that I should use professional color because it was higher quality and because it was much cheaper that the boxed stuff they sell in drug stores. I was concerned with using a professional product, since I had no training, but she told me it was easy and no technical knowledge was required. I tried it out and found the color was superior and it was so easy to do......and it was far less expensive!
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The only informed decision that you have to make is what volume creme developer to use. If you are trying to lighten, the weight you use will depend on how much lighter you want to go. These are the rules of developers:
10 to 20 volume - Used for changing the color of your hair to a darker shade
30 volume - Will lighten 2 to 3 shades
40 volume - Will lighten 3 to 4 shades
Now don't get me wrong, you are never going to be able to go blonde if your hair is dark brown, by dying it. It you want to go blonde, you are going to have to bleach. (something I do not recommend you try at home) By lightening, I mean like going from medium brown to light brown.
My hair is dark brown, and I color it auburn, which is dark red brown, so all I want to do is cover the gray and tint my brown hair with red. I use 30 volume because I think it lightens my brown hair a little bit and so the red is more noticeable.
It's very easy to mix your hair color, the ratio is one to one. That means that for every tablespoon of color, you use a tablespoon of creme developer. How much you mix will depend on how much hair you plan to dye. The first time you color, it will take a lot, but after that, you will need less because the roots will all you need to color. Simply put the color and developer in your applicator bottle and shake until well mixed. Now you are really to appy.
How to Apply the Color
Since this part of coloring your hair is better understood if you see it, below is a video that shows the proper way to apply color to your hair. It is no different when using a professional color than it is when you use the boxed sets.
A Couple Other Things You Should Have...
Two additional things that you really do need is a cape to protect your clothes, and shampoo and conditioner that is made especially for color treated hair. Both will make things easier on you, trust me!
I have found that using professional color is just as easy, cheaper and produced better results than the expensive boxed hair color you find in stores. So what are you waiting for? Don't be afraid anymore, go for it!
Have a great day!
Jade :)